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Please spell out all abbreviations, including states and all street names

(Street, Boulevard, etc.)

Apartments should appear on their own line using the "Address 2" column.

(Ie: Apartment 2)

Your address list will be printed exactly as sent on this list. 

Email completed list to


For married couples: 

"Mr. and Mrs." should be used followed by husband's first and last name

spelled out. This should appear in "Name 1" column on the spreadsheet. 

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith


For married couples with a Doctor:

If the husband is doctor, you should address the same way as above, replacing "Mr." with "Dr". This should appear in "Name 1" column on the spreadsheet. 

Dr. and Mrs. John Smith


If the wife is doctor, she should be listed first on the line. This should appear in "Name 1" column on the spreadsheet. 

Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. John Smith


If both are doctors, they should be addressed as below. This should appear in "Name 1" column on the spreadsheet. 

The Doctors Smith


The Doctors Elizabeth and John Smith


For an unmarried couple living together: 

Both names should appear on one listing the person you are closest with first.

This should appear in "Name 1" column on the spreadsheet. In the instance that both names will not fit on one line, they may be broken into 2 lines when addressing. 

Mr. John Smith and Ms. Julia James


If the couple is engaged, you may use "The Future Mr. and Mrs. John Smith"

instead of 2 separate names.


For an unmarried couple not living together: 

Names should appear on 2 separate lines. The first line should be the person you are mailing to, the second line will be the significant other. These will appear in "Name 1" and "Name 2" columns. 

Mr. John Smith

Ms. Julia James


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